Farewell to 2019 and thanks to all my wonderful students who participated in all the challenges that were set out for them this year. Well done to all year levels for completing the projects on time this term.

Although we are going on a break from school, let’s refrain from taking a break from reading, writing and learning about Islam. I encourage all my students to read every day for at least 10 minutes about our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W Sirat/life, Sunnah and about his companions. Keep a daily journal, write poetry to describe or praise Allah S.W.T creations. Don’t forget to enjoy the great weather and play outside rather than stare at an Xbox, PlayStation or TV all day.

To our Year 6 students, I wish you all the very best for 2020 and beyond. May you continue to strive to be the best in everything that you choose to do. Surround yourself with friends who will influence and encourage you to work hard in school, persevere through new and difficult challenges and help you to make good choices.

Finally, thanks to our staff, students and community! 2019 has been a memorable year and I look forward to journeying with you all in 2020! If you’re travelling away, I wish you safe travels and great holidays. All the best for the summer season!

Mrs. Sadia Amjed
Religion & Values Teacher